ProVision | Monitoring & Operations Controls
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Monitoring & Operations Controls

Risk mitigation, Threats Detection and Incident Response

In a world with massive amounts of information the effective security programs require planning, strong defenses and continuous assessment. Accurate and timely details from the data your systems generate can help you identify and mitigate incidents before they wreak havoc on your operations.

To operate securely and draw insights from big data, you must properly monitor, operate and refine your systems, controls and capabilities.


Provision has a diverse range of products and solutions to help you achieve and maintain operational excellence.


We help you choose the right technologies for your specific needs

Technology Counseling

Our experience in security information area gives us the power to identify the right technologies for your environment to help you meet your business, compliance and security goals.

Product Implementation and Support

Our team of certified security engineers is involved in designing, architecting and implementing IT operational and security solutions being able to deliver support services on a 24/7/365 basis.

Trained and Certified Experts

Certifications attest that our team is able to help you understand how technologies will be implemented and integrated into your environment.

Risk and Network Vulnerability Management & Penetration Testing

Assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of security controls in place. Evaluate and manage risk.


Aggregate data from multiple sources and correlate activity, alert on triggering events for further investigation, and ensure compliance with retention of data and creation of reports.

Intelligence Feeds

Protect against emerging threats through security feeds capturing up-to-the-minute awareness of current events on your network.

Policy Management

Tools for patch and configuration management, policy audit and compliance.

Governance, Risk and Compliance Management

Reduce the cost and effort of managing governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) while protecting system integrity, revenue streams and brand reputation.


Assess events and analyze your organization’s security posture through the capture, retention, and analysis of events, activity, and other information from your systems and network devices.

Automation, Orchestration and Incident Response

Ensure that security controls are connected in a clever and organized way in order to respond to incidents in an automated and timely manner.

Big Data & Security Analytics

Getting value from the data collected and providing analytics on top of it for enhancing fraud detection and incident prevention.

eDiscovery/ Forensics

Ensure that electronically stored information (ESI) is collected and preserved for the purpose of admission and presentation in a court of law.

Network Behavior Anomaly Detection / Attack detection

Understanding what normal activity looks like in your environment is an essential first step in identifying abnormal activity.