ProVision | Data Security
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As technology evolves and usage of Internet-connected smart devices increases, many new privacy regulations are being issued to protect us: GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, PII, PHI, PCI DSS etc.


However, sensitive data isn’t just about personal data. It is also includes company intellectual property, financial information, marketing plans, new product launch details, customer data and so on.


Yet, there is no doubt that regulation and compliance are driving the need to discover, manage and secure sensitive data.

What is Data Security technology?

Whenever you store or deliver data sets to business teams, you have to: identify all sensitive data first; make sure they are appropriately protected for privacy and confidentiality requirements and then confirm the data get there and remain protected.


The technical tools for implementing discovery, monitoring and control of personal and sensitive data access, help you address compliance articles such as “right to be forgotten”, “records of processing”, “data cancellation”, “consent controls”, “data minimization” and pseudonymization across enterprise applications.


Artificial Intelligence data discovery and protection software is easy to use across a wide range of data types and repositories, provideing accurate, automated visibility and control over personal and sensitive data and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their governance, compliance and data-driven innovation efforts.


Understanding WHERE data is STORED, WHO is ACCESSING it, HOW data is being accessed, was CONSENT given, does the USER has the LEGAL BASIS to see the data and APPLY appropriate DATA ACCESS CONTROLS and REMEDIATION are some of the critical areas that any organization must address them across in its environment.

Request more information about Data Security solutions