ProVision | Cloud Security
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Cloud security involves the procedures and technology that secure cloud computing environments against both external and insider cybersecurity threats.


Cloud computing, which is the delivery of information technology services over the internet, has become a must for businesses and governments seeking to accelerate innovation and collaboration.


Cloud security and security management best practices designed to prevent unauthorized access are required to keep data and applications in the cloud secure from current and emerging cybersecurity threats.

Organizations seeking cloud security solutions should consider the following criteria to solve the primary cloud security challenges of visibility and control over cloud data.

Visibility into cloud data

A complete view of cloud data requires direct access to the cloud service. Cloud security solutions accomplish this through an application programming interface (API) connection to the cloud service.

Control over cloud data

Once you have visibility into cloud data, apply the controls that best suit your organization.

Access to cloud data and applications

As with in-house security, access control is a vital component of cloud security.


Existing compliance requirements and practices should be augmented to include data and applications residing in the cloud.

According to recent research, 1 in 4 companies using public cloud services have experienced data theft by a malicious actor. An additional 1 in 5 has experienced an advanced attack against their public cloud infrastructure. In the same study, 83% of organizations indicated that they store sensitive information in the cloud. With 97% of organizations worldwide using cloud services today, it is essential that everyone evaluates their cloud security and develops a strategy to protect their data.

ProVision’s portfolio bolsters tried and tested solutions that allow us to address the complex business requirements of organizations looking to leverage the benefits and power of cloud infrastructure and services.

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