ProVision | Data Classification
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What is Data Classification?

Describes the process of organizing data by relevant categories so that it may be used and protected more efficiently and involves tagging data to make it easily searchable and trackable.


Standardization and classification

Mislabeling data can have numerous consequences such as misuse of resources, security breaches, violations of compliance regulations etc.

Privilege Management

Once an organization has successfully classified the data, another challenge of data classification can be summarized by the question “Who should have access?” Individual privileges should be appropriated based on the level of classification each asset has been given through the comprehensive nature of a risk assessment process.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

An important aspect of data classification referes to the fact that data considered most critical should be protected and stored, both logically and physically, in different locations. A business continuity plan could be deeply ineffective if critical data cannot be recovered or if the occurrence of a loss in data confidentiality were to result in a leak of sensitive data.

Compliance with regulations

How can this technology help you?

Data classification supports data security initiatives

Data classification tools help you identify the context as well as content of data and critically extend classification beyond the security domain to ensure you a holistic view of data. You can scan and analyze your data at creation, in motion and at rest – and apply appropriate identification attributes.

Data classification eliminate multiple duplications of data, which can reduce storage and backup costs while speeding up the search process.

Data classification maintain regulatory compliance, eg. GDPR.

Data classification provides a clear picture of all data within an organization and an understanding of where data is stored, how to easily access it, and the best way to protect it from potential security risks.

Data classification ensures the right people have access to the right data.


Improves data security and helps you meet legal compliance and regulatory requirements

Faster and better identification of risky data

Reduces costs by enabling you to eliminate unneeded data, duplications of data etc.

Understanding the sensitivity of the data, you can begin to understand who should or shouldn’t have access to it, both inside and outside of the organization

Improves user productivity and decision-making.

Reduces human errors: adding visual labels to headers and footers helps to increase end-users awareness and make them more security focused and avoid sharing sensitive content on USB drives, via e-mail, or cloud services

Request more information about Data Classification solutions


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    to find out what Data Classification solution is right for your needs.